About Madsen Ink

New Ulm, Minnesota
Madsen Ink is an advertising, creative agency located in the Minnesota River Valley. We partner with businesses who do not have a marketing or media department and become that department. For a one shot deal or a long term gig. As we don't blow our own snow, drill our own teeth, or shingle our own house, we highly encourage businesses to not have the cashier create their logo, or the hygienist write the company newsletter. Remember it's your business, not a Saturday afternoon DIY project.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Think Before You Stink

Are you really good at what you do? I mean really good. No matter if your business focus is dentistry (in which case, PLEASE, be good, especially if I'm sitting slack-jawed in your chair), or if you are a farmers market stand owner (same there, don't sell me a rock hard kumquat, lest I bust my tooth and end up in aforementioned dentist chair). In other words, don't stink at your vocation or you will get nowhere. I know that sounds pretty obvious but it's often overlooked. Have you seen some people's attempt at business pursuits? Just because you like to do it doesn't mean that what you have to offer will be popular or sought after. But of course even if your idea seems to stink to some people does not mean it won't sell, or your business is not viable. Take for instance Precious Moments figurines. WHY WHY WHY? But they sell. My point is, yes, believe in yourself and do what you love, but make sure others love what you do and believe in you as well...as in customers. Not your mom or your boyfriend. Unless they have a lot of money to spend, in which case bring on the macaroni macrame and have at it.
How do you know people will want your product or services? History. And have history repeat itself over and over before you take the plunge to self-employment. When both my husband and I worked for others, people sought us out for our particular talents at our respective jobs. Customers of the companies we worked for wanted us for what we could do for them that no one else could. And what our companies (a screen printer and a newspaper with a printing department) could not offer if we were not there. When we left our jobs, many of those people followed. We didn't steal them. They came of their own accord because what we had to offer was what they wanted. How did we know what they wanted? We paid attention. We listened outside the box. We kicked the box out of the way. We drove our Subaru over the box, looked back at its squashed remains, and laughed.

Next installment: Stop, think...eavesdrop


  1. Good ideas!!! That's what I did...thought of a service that I could provide; thought of who could use it; thought of how I would provide it and did it. Loved the driving over the box idea. In my case I'll push a stroller over it and see where I go from there. Kathleen

  2. Yes! The only way you'll make it as a start-up is if your abilities overshadow the fact that you're a relative unknown. I boldly put "Since 2004" on the logo of a business I started in 2004. To some it would (and did, I know) appear foolish. To me, it was a loud statement that said I would be there when others were gone, doing more and better work. Still doing it... and the logo looks a little less ridiculous now. :)


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