About Madsen Ink

New Ulm, Minnesota
Madsen Ink is an advertising, creative agency located in the Minnesota River Valley. We partner with businesses who do not have a marketing or media department and become that department. For a one shot deal or a long term gig. As we don't blow our own snow, drill our own teeth, or shingle our own house, we highly encourage businesses to not have the cashier create their logo, or the hygienist write the company newsletter. Remember it's your business, not a Saturday afternoon DIY project.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's not none of your business

I know that aint good grammar but I'm trying to make a point. The point being your nose. Point it where it doesn't belong. I don't mean rudely question your boss by asking who that overly endowed blond was he was with at the Martinis-R-Us all you can drink buffet on Hwy 68 last Tuesday when he said he was at a leadership seminar. I mean ask a lot of questions, eavesdrop, and pay attention to what everyone around you are saying. Even if you think there is nothing of value to be gleaned by the guy from the local feed mill who is lugging your 50 lb. sack of bird seed to your car telling you all about the self-filling-semi-automatic woodpecker feeder he invented. That could be more than just a Pileated knocking--it may be opportunity. Depending on the business you are in, or hope to be in, ask yourself or better yet, ask this guy...does he need a website to promote these feeders? How about a prototype built? Radio ad? Newsletter telling potential bird lovers of this gadget's wonders? Does he need a sales rep? You get the picture. There's potential clients everywhere if you know how to sniff them out. We obtained two long-standing accounts by listening to what was being said in a general conversation then sticking our noses in their business. One instance was a woman complaining how she was stuck creating seminar flyers herself for her business education organization and didn't have the time to devote to it. I literally followed her out of the store we were both in and asked her if she really wanted to keep doing them herself or if she would like us to take it off her hands. She didn't so we did! What was even better is she didn't have to hassle with trying to find someone to do it. That someone was standing right in front of her in the grocery store parking lot, risking melted ice cream and defrosted pot pies to help her business.
NEXT TIME: I Want You to Want Me ...not a Cheap Trick.
